Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Little Something

I finally made a baby blanket for my almost one year old. At this point he's already chosen another as his favorite (aka: blue snuggler) but he was tired enough to indulge me for some pictures.


Hullabaloo Homestead said...

What a wonderful blanket!! I love how it changes. You have quite a cutie pie on your hands there. Thanks for sharing your list of gratitude. Definitely a thumbs up for npr over here too.


Nate and Michelle said...

Cute! I should try knitting again... then I'll have something more to do this summer while I stay home with Baby.

grace said...

Just so you know I- and Elias LOVE the blanket you made him! It is cold out there...maybe I should get some mittens ;) hint hint!!

Emily said...

Hehe! Baby Walter! This is closer to how I remember him...